Handy Little Standalone Components
Glass Tattoo Stencil Wafers are versatile standalone components that you create on a plastic sheet using a wafer stencil and Glass Tattoo Gue colors. Let the design dry overnight (until it is stiff-hard), then peal it off the plastic sheet and your design component is ready. Use these cute little beauties anywhere you desire on your fusing project. It’s a brilliant technique that is easy and fun to do. You could make a whole school of tropical fish and use them around the edge of a plate or bowl. In fact that is exactly what I did to make the Shark Bait Bowl shown here (watch the video below).

Store Them for Future Use
These wafer components are quite sturdy and can be stored away indefinitely. They will break if they are handled roughly and they will disintegrate if they get wet, so store them in a covered plastic container and they will be ready to use whenever you want.
Watch the 9 minute video (link below)
Let me show you how I created these Glass Tattoo Wafers and then used them to make the spectacular Shark Bait Plate that was first fired into a flat design circle then slumped into our Binasphere Mold to shape it and attach a foot to the bottom.
Want to try making some wafers?
Pick up some Glass Tattoo Gue and a few Wafer Stencils and give it a go. Save 15% by using coupon code Blog1023 when you purchase any quantity of Glass Tattoo Gue or any of the Stencil Wafer DesignsClick on the images below to visit and purchase them in the Art Glass Love store.
Click on the images below to visit and purchase them in the Art Glass Love store.

Click to visit the store then use coupon code Blog1023 in the shopping cart to save 15% on your Glass Tattoo Gue purchase

Click to visit the store then use coupon code Blog1023 in the shopping cart to save 15% on your wafer stencils purchase
2 Responses
After using the mixed gue and glass powder, how long do you wait before putting the art into the kiln. I recall you said 24 hours. Is that correct?
Hi William, The simple answer is, you want to wait until the Tattoo Gue® colors have dried completely. I usually say 24 hours or overnight, but your project could dry much quicker than that, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment that you are working in. If you want to put the piece in your kiln immediately after creating it, all you have to do is add a drying segment at the beginning of the firing schedule. I suggest 100° per hour to 175°F and hold it there for one hour. That segment will give the moisture sufficient time to evaporate, then you can continue with your normal firing schedule from there.
Hope this helps, happy fusing!